ARDMS® Exam Online Preparation
About is ARDMS® EXAM.
The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography® (ARDMS®) administers examinations and awards credentials in areas of ultrasound having address in 1401 Rockville Pike ,Suite 600, Rockville, MD 20852-1402,United states of America
Is ARDMS® qualification valid abroad.
The qualification is valid to do ultrasound in USA, Canada, UK, Australia and some middle east and african countries. It is not valid in India.
Is this ARDMS® qualification valid India.
This qualification is NOT VALID in India. It is illegal to ultrasound with only this ARDMS certification under PC-PNDT Act.
What is eligibility to do ARDMS® exam.
Eligibility is decided by ARDMS®. Visit their website It is the full and absolute responsibility of the candidate to get eligibility to by submitting their certificates to appropriate authorities.
​How does ardmsexamprepration help in writing the exam.
We will help in preparing ARDMS® exam strictly by online as per syllabus by subject experts from USA/UK/India.
ARDMS® Exam Online Preparation- (Exam Theory only)
We have trained over hundreds of people to pass the difficult ARDMS exams.
We are the expert in training students passing ARDMS PHYSICS exam with high colors.
We have helped many people get jobs as a sonographer in NHS UK.
We will help in preparing ARDMS® exam strictly by online as per syllabus by subject experts from USA/UK/India.
Complete Online Theoretical classes in sonography in subjects like ARDMS physics, ARDMS abdomen and ARDMS obstetrics and gynecology and ARDMS Adult Echocardiography
Topic wise Online practise test for all subjects ARDMS physics, ARDMS abdomen , ARDMS obstetrics and gynecology and Adult Echocardiography
Online Full practice test papers for all three subjects
Help in application process to apply for ARDMS exam
Duration-one year support for doubt clearance
Eligibility-As per ARDMS norms
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